ويندوزاكس بى قولد اديشن ولحسن الحظ انها مرفوعه على ميديافير من اراد التجربه بعد التجربه من الأخ vip على قرص وهمى اتضح انها اكس بى الذهبيه بالحزمه الخدميه الثانيه وليست قوست للمعلوميه
الملف ليس بصيغة ايزو بعد فك الضغط لاتقلق بل هو بصيغةNRG يوجد برنامج بالمرفقات لتحويل الملف الى ايزو
هذه الملفات بعد فك الضغط بدون ملف الايزو
سطب البرنامج على جهازك وهو لايتعدى 200كيلوبايت
اضغط على ايقونة
الذى بداخل المجلد طبعا هو ملف
واعمل OK
ضغط على زر
وانتظر قليلا اذهب للمجلد تجد الاسطوانه ايزو كما ترى
هاهى الاسطوانه
الحرق يكون باقل درجه
الاسطوانه ليس قوست بعد التجربه على قرص وهمى
وهذارابط ملف التحويل على عدة موافع
وهذارابط ملف التحويل على عدة موافع
Ghost Windows XP SP2 Gold EDITION (Version 6) [Cool] | ~700 MB
نبذه عنها
Interface version ghost windows xp sp3 Gold EDITION (v6)
This version is ghost was quite meticulous sanding grinding and try to innovation than the previous version is not OEM anymore (they fear the doctor was active then cutting em) and some new update software and fix driver and performance of the system.
Ingredient "Ghost of the V6 include:
- Windows XP Professional SP2 Gold Reloaded EDITION Service (a genuine key - Update good)
SkyDriverXPES V9.9 (Fix Chipset)
Firefox 3.5.2 (You can update the latest version 3.5.5)
- Flash Player 10 Plugin for IE, Firefox, Opera ...
- Flash Player 10 Plugin for IE, Firefox, Opera ...
- Library updates OCX Full
- K-Lite Pack Code
- Windows Media Player 10 + DFX 9
(for 3D sound great)
Full Font (Vni, Vietware, ABC, Unicode)
- Foxit Phantom: Support export file. Pdf files from any command something in and edit the files. Pdf.
- MathType 6: Software write mathematical formula indispensable for students, teachers
- Unikey
- Unikey
- AIMP2: The player or extreme, extreme has many features and extremely free.
- Microsoft Office 2003 including Word, Excel, Power Point, Access (full installation)
- Screen Saver Some nice note:
When the ghost is complete you go to C drive and then delete the message will help bring mucDriver capacity drives.
In the subject code + font you use should be accompanied by letters look quite difficult. So if you want to change from the desktop -> Propeties -> Appearance - Font size> and select Tahoma
نبذه عنها
Interface version ghost windows xp sp3 Gold EDITION (v6)
This version is ghost was quite meticulous sanding grinding and try to innovation than the previous version is not OEM anymore (they fear the doctor was active then cutting em) and some new update software and fix driver and performance of the system.
Ingredient "Ghost of the V6 include:
- Windows XP Professional SP2 Gold Reloaded EDITION Service (a genuine key - Update good)
SkyDriverXPES V9.9 (Fix Chipset)
Firefox 3.5.2 (You can update the latest version 3.5.5)
- Flash Player 10 Plugin for IE, Firefox, Opera ...
- Flash Player 10 Plugin for IE, Firefox, Opera ...
- Library updates OCX Full
- K-Lite Pack Code
- Windows Media Player 10 + DFX 9
(for 3D sound great)
Full Font (Vni, Vietware, ABC, Unicode)
- Foxit Phantom: Support export file. Pdf files from any command something in and edit the files. Pdf.
- MathType 6: Software write mathematical formula indispensable for students, teachers
- Unikey
- Unikey
- AIMP2: The player or extreme, extreme has many features and extremely free.
- Microsoft Office 2003 including Word, Excel, Power Point, Access (full installation)
- Screen Saver Some nice note:
When the ghost is complete you go to C drive and then delete the message will help bring mucDriver capacity drives.
In the subject code + font you use should be accompanied by letters look quite difficult. So if you want to change from the desktop -> Propeties -> Appearance - Font size> and select Tahoma
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